Apr 272014

It looked like a Reno round in April was going to be a gamble, but the Texas Devil Racing crew was up for the challenge! The first obstacle was getting there. Miles managed to safely navigate the transporter over the pass on Highway 80, missing chain controls by a matter of minutes. Once at the track, all that was left to do was set up camp since there was no Friday practice due to snow. Saturday morning revealed a snowy landscape, but by lunchtime the track was warmed up and Evan was getting some good practice laps in. By the end of the day, Miles got the bike dialed in and everything was looking good for Sunday.

Evan got a great start in his first race and pulled out a good lead after a few laps. Emi (#16) and Errol (#39) were battling for second, which gave Evan a chance to make a clean getaway. After putting his head down for 10 quick laps he crossed the finish line with a commanding lead. In Race 2, Evan wasn’t able to get away so easily. Emi was on his tail the entire race, just waiting for her chance to make a pass. Evan never gave her the opportunity, holding on for the win.

Big thanks go out to Alan and Beth Cunningham for coming out to cheer Evan on. Make sure to check out their Safermoto vests. Miles loves (and has tested) his!