Oct 092016

This was Evan’s final race of the season. He had been having trouble getting used to launching with a clutch all year, so Miles and Evan had gone out to work on his starts the day before. The practice paid off and Evan was much more comfortable keeping the revs up and controlling his launch with the clutch. He had a good start in his first heat, and had a great battle with Justin Hanna, only narrowly beating him out for first position.

Evan’s second heat didn’t go quite as well. He kept his revs up and didn’t bog it, but let the clutch out a little (way) too fast and looped the bike. He hopped back on the bike so quick it didn’t even need to be restarted. He caught up to the group ahead but it wasn’t long before he fell back and it was apparent something was wrong with the bike. He came off track and Miles and a few other awesome dads got to work on the bike. The front master cylinder was damaged when the bike went down and they just didn’t have what they needed to get it working right.

To play it safe, Evan started from the final spot in the main and pulled off after completing a lap. It wasn’t the race he was hoping for, but he was able to salvage as many points as possible, clenching the 65 GP championship. He was really looking forward to battling it out with Justin for the win. Justin is a class act and showed us all what true sportsmanship is when he came by after the race, shook Evan’s hand and congratulated him, telling Evan he deserved to win the championship. You are a champ in our book Justin! Evan is really looking forward to competing with you again next year. Thank you to Allen, Teresa and the whole Lil 99 staff for your hard work out there. We appreciate it.

Special thanks go out to Evan’s sponsors for all of your support this season: Amsoil, Cycle Gear, Motion Pro & Woodcraft. To Jim and Nickie at Catalyst Reaction – Evan’s new suspension is amazing and he is so happy with it. He said the bike moves so much better under him now!
