Apr 032016

Evan’s first race on his KX65 is one that will not soon be forgotten! His fear all weekend was that he would mess up the start since he is new to using a clutch and is still getting the hang of it. His fear came to fruition when the green flag dropped. He wobbled, his bike did a weird little doughnut and then they both went down. Thankfully, Miles was right there to get him back on the bike and gave him a push start (good thing they had practiced that!)

Evan was FIRED UP, very far behind and on a mission to catch up. About a quarter into the race he had a major tank-slapper when he dropped his front wheel off track, but thankfully he was able to save it. It gave the crowd quite a show since it all happened right in front of the stands. He pushed and pushed to catch up to Ed Enriquez who was in 2nd. He was almost close enough to try a pass in the last corner of the final lap, but just couldn’t make it happen. Ed was too fast and had him by a bike length at the finish. It was a tough race, but an awesome recovery showing great determination. Really looking forward to the next one!
