Jul 062014

Huge thanks to Grandma & Grandpa Alexander for making it out to Redding to cheer Evan on. He has always loved Redding—it’s where he got his first win. This time the course was set up the opposite direction and was very technical with a ton of slow transition corners and chicanes. Evan was practicing hard all day Friday and Saturday trying to get the track down and ended up with heat exhaustion Saturday night from the 100 plus degree weather.

After getting some rest and ingesting some electrolytes, Evan was ready for his races. Evan got a decent start, but Troy (#29) and Errol (#39) got out in front of him, and he was third coming out of turn 1. Errol crashed out with a spectacular highside in turn 2, putting Evan in second place. Troy was on fire and Evan wasn’t able to catch him, so had to settle for second place.

Race 2 started out just like race 1, but this time Errol was hot on Troy’s heels for most of the race with Evan trailing behind the pair. On the second to last lap, Errol crashed out going into the chicane after the back straight. That put Evan into second place and on the podium for both races. Even though he didn’t win, Evan was happy for his best buddy Troy and his success over the weekend.