Oct 072012

It was the last race weekend of the 2012 season in Thunderhill. Miles was ready for a great weekend. He had the Novice 650 Production championship all wrapped up and a shot at 3rd overall in Clubman Lightweight.

The Clubman Lightweight race was up before he knew it on Saturday. The green flag dropped and Miles settled into position by the end of the second turn. He was running a little off his fastest pace, turning 2:06 and 2:07s, which wasn’t enough to hang with the guys up front. He finished in 7th which put him in 4th overall for the season—by only 2 points, argh!

After a great night of hanging out in the pits for the last time in 2012, Miles got ready for the final races of the season. Novice 650 Twins went well, and it was the race that Miles turned his fastest laps in. He got to do a little dicing on the last few laps and pulled out a 5th place finish, good for 4th overall.

Novice 650 Production was a very lonely grid, but Miles got a good enough start to tag along with the experts. After setting up a difficult pass for two laps, Miles thought he had gained a position right before the checkered flag. Except he had stopped racing a lap early. What a way to end the season—at least the championship was already locked up!

See everyone next year!!!